If your answer is YES - join the leader in the CX (Customer Experience) industry TELUS Digital Bulgaria … Review user-generated back-office information to ensure compliance with established policies - Take prompt and appropriate action on information that violates guidelines or poses risks
Strong focus and expert regarding training, implementation, and auditing of RATIONAL programs • Execution of qualification and auditing of RATIONAL cooking events • Continuous training, development, and management of the local application chefs as well as an efficient and comprehensive freelance network
Serve as the first point of contact for remote technical support. Diagnose issues by collecting customer descriptions and identifying faulty components. Troubleshoot technical problems using analytical methods (e.g., error trees)
Freelancing, Voll- oder Teilzeit · Berlin … We are currently looking for Franchise Customer Advisors for Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary who would like to work 100% remotely with us to solve a social problem
Provide first-line technical customer support, analyse and solve customer issues - Manage small-scale customer projects throughout the project life cycle, including planning, schedules, resource allocation, scope, risk and change management
Erfolgreich abgeschlossene kaufmännische oder technische Ausbildung - Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb - Sicheres Auftreten sowie selbständiges und strukturiertes Arbeiten, starke Kunden- und Serviceorientierung - Gute Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
Aktives Beraten und Betreuen von Kunden und Interessenten am Telefon • Zielgerechtes Platzieren unserer Musterspannwerkzeuge sowie konsequente Nachverfolgung - der Testsendung • Erstellen von Angeboten aus Anfragen und Probelieferungen bis zum Verkauf
Flächenentwicklung - Recherche und Analyse geeigneter Flächen in Rumänien unter Berücksichtigung raumordnerischer und naturschutzrechtlicher Vorgaben - Bewertung der Projektflächen und Erstellung von Entscheidungsvorlagen - Projektmanagement
The candidates should be based in Sofia … At least 1-year experience as a QA engineer or a relative IT position - Good knowledge in QA and the testing process - Strong logical and analytical skills - Knowledge with at least one common Programming Language (C#, Java, JS, Python)
Development and support of existing customers - Acquisition of new customers - Conducting visits to new and existing customers - Preparation of visit reports in English - Coordination and follow-up of sales leads - Monitoring and control of sales promotions